Welcome–from President ……Indeevar welcomed the guests and guest speaker.
Sustainability Spot: Presented by Lisa in Club Services. The NZ Monarch Butterfly
self-immigrated to New Zealand in the 1870s. In 2022, the population of the Monarch in North America and Canada has been reduced by 99% due to deforestation, urbanization, and climate change.
Guest Speaker – Paul Cuming -While you were sleeping, The nightly hijinks of a birder on Mauao.
Paul Cuming has been a librarian for TCC for 33 years and came to share his work in creating the Western Bay Wildlife Trust. Volunteering approximately 100 hours per year, he helps track the progress of the Grey faced Petrel. The Grey faced Petrel starts breeding in April on Mauao. They live for 43-44 years. Paul acknowledged the 500+ helpers over the last 31 years the program has been running, Allan Tennyson- Te Papa and Graeme Taylor DOC for suggesting they start the project.
Notices & Announcements
Notice One – Buddy offered a thanks from the members that assisted He Iwi Kotahi on Waitangi Day at the Historic Village.
Notice Two – John put a call out for volunteers, participants, sponsors, and getting the word out for the K Valley Cycle Adventure. 21 April in K Valley, volunteers would help set up, run the introduction brief, and help along the course. See the Club’s Facebook page.
Notice Three – Club Services is looking for a Membership Offer to help drive membership. Contact Lisa if interested.
Rotary Conference in Cambridge – 17-19 May, www.9930conference.co.nz
RYPEN – is looking for volunteers 15-17 March. Contact Wayne or Indeevar.
RYLER – is looking for Leadership in April 2024.
Raffle: The vino was won by Glenn. He graciously gave his winnings to Paul Cuming our guest speaker.
Sergeant at Arms – David McConnochie talked about Embracing Change in Social
Constructs and then went old school and starting fining people.
Parting Thought from: Andrew Knowles from Mark Twain, “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.”