Befriender Service:One of our highly valued services is our Befriender service. A trained volunteer is paired with the family of a person with dementia to give support in whatever is agreed as appropriate. This could mean visiting to provide much needed respite for the main care-giver and providing friendship and variety for the person with dementia.
Because of the complexity of this job considerable training is invested in our Befrienders and our families view them as a critical key to maintaining emotional safety in the family.
In the last financial year, the Befrienders provided 500 hours of voluntary time in the home (much more if we include travel time). The service currently costs $10,900 per annum and we hope to continue to be able to offer it free of charge, because the majority of the service users are on limited and/or fixed incomes. Find out more about the programme and to support the Alzheimer's Tauranga group, click here